Does this project have legs?

You have to be at least a little bit crazy to dedicate so much time and effort to a single subject, able to stay on track and motivated despite it perhaps, looking like at times that the film might not get finished.

When deciding to pursue a a project, one of steps that is required is you have to make an honest and unbiased assessment of whether the project is viable and whether you are committed to the journey ahead of potentially years to see the project through to completion, overcoming the speed bumps and pitfalls, that are inevitable on any filmmakers journey from idea to fully completed film.

You have to be at least a little bit crazy to dedicate so much time and effort to a single subject, able to stay on track and motivated despite it perhaps, looking like at times that the film might not get finished.

WELL LUCKILY, it would appear I am just that type of crazy! committed to seeing this project through to completion, already I have had people reach out to me and express interest in being involved with the project, which is encouraging. It's also great to know there are people out there that have the same idea, about the subject matter, that the history of tattooing in australia, is a story that is begging to be told in a complete way, highlighting key figures in the pantheon of tattoo folklore and sharing them with those who don't who they are, so that the history can be appreciated and preserved for the generations to come!

On a side note, it appears likely I may be traveling to Japan next year to pursue another project, more to come about that in future posts!

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